Heather~Reading Haven~

I am a thirty something wife and mother of two. I read in all of my free time and some of my not so free time. Sleep, who needs sleep! I started out several years ago and after finding some amazing books and even more amazing friends GR has become my favorite place to hang. I started out with Urban Fantasy that was heavy on the romance and branched out in to straight contemporary romance. Now I am reading a variety of book. Some New Adult, some Contemporary Romance, some YA, Erotica and some Dark Erotica. If there is a love story in there, I'll read it. I am a complete sap for a good love story. I prefer a HEA (insert unicorns, rainbows and kittens). I really dislike major cliffhangers when there is more than a few months gap between releases. I read so many books that I forget the story line. I sometimes wait until the whole series is out so I can plow through the whole thing. :-)

Currently reading

This Much Is True
Katherine Owen